Eating disorders require a multidisciplinary approach to treatment. Here are the main players in the team and the rationale behind their involvement to help you understand who you may need on your side and why:


  • Assess intake for nutritional adequacy
  • Improve diet quality
  • Provide practical advice around food and eating patterns
  • Meal plan prescription and review
  • Support weight restoration and/or sustainable weight management
  • Reduce destructive eating behaviours
  • Support challenges of fear foods or food environments
  • Support a positive relationship with all foods

General Practitioner (GP)

  • Education resource person, information on available support services in the community and hospital setting
  • Medical monitoring, physical check-up
  • Referral to appropriate eating disorder support services, including psychiatrist psychologist and dietitian for assessment and treatment


  • Diagnosis of eating disorder
  • Treatment plan to address the eating disorder
  • Review and management of medications


  • Psychological skills development
  • Address fears around weight and shape
  • Psychotherapy and treatment of emotional and mental suffering including comorbidities such as anxiety, depression, trauma, stress and relationship/family difficulties, social issues

Social worker

  • Assess need for support to assist or to improve wellbeing
  • Identifies and addresses external issues that may impact on wellbeing
  • Researches and refers to community resources
  • Case management
  • Counselling for individuals or their support network